About Ifan Prasya

Search Marketer. Architecture Enthusiast. Mangkunegaran People.

Search Marketer. Architecture Enthusiast. Mangkunegaran People.

👋 Halo ol~ I’m Ifan Prasya, and my professional life revolves around Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Whether I’m strategizing content or working on technical, user-centric is my fundamental approach to building stuff on the web. However, when the sun sets and I can take a break from the online world, it’s all about staying grounded with mindful activities.

With a favorite playlist in the background, I spend my time brain-dumping thoughts, sketching, and soaking up knowledge from a variety of books. Furthermore, my Mangkunegaran heritage flows heavily in my veins, making Javanese Culture an absolute fascination for me. I am an engaged audience member at art exhibitions, museums, and a forum titled “Maiyah”.


I stepped into the world of blogging and content creation in 2011, during my junior high school years. I launched my fledgling efforts on Blogspot and slowly began exploring the intricacies of HTML and CSS.

I expanded my understanding of making money online through a Facebook group called “Diskusi Blogger Pemula” and a forum named “Adsense-ID.com” (now: “Ads.ID”). By 2014, I had moved to a self-hosted WordPress site, where I started receiving regular payouts from Google AdSense.

In 2016, I took a gap year venturing into the architecture field as an Architectural Drafter at Junge Architekt, mentored by Pramana Sigit. This sparked my interest in Architecture, but after two unsuccessful attempts to pursue it, I shifted paths. Instead, I earned an Associate Degree in Agribusiness Science from Universitas Sebelas Maret in 2021.

My official career started in 2020 when I was appointed as a Content Writer at Tonjoo. This role lasted for a year until I moved on to embrace a new challenge: mastering SEO at Zenius. In just under two years, I transitioned to Yoona, also as an SEO Specialist.


Away from my professional life, I entertain a wide array of interests that range from art, writing, and music to architecture, martial arts, football, and my all-time favorite, Javanese Culture.

  • Architecture – Well-designed structures captivate my heart. I particularly enjoy those layouts that seamlessly combine nature with beautiful, functional homes and urban spaces.
  • Music – Alternative rock music is my go-to playlist for a much-needed mood booster. Lo-fi music offers the ideal soundtrack for those calming moments.
  • Football – I have a great love for FC Barcelona. Watching the team play beautiful football is both an inspiration and a delight.
  • Javanese Culture – Living with Javanese philosophy is a capsule of my life; it links to my ancestral roots. I am drawn to various aspects of the culture, with Wayang Kulit and Keris as my absolute favorites.

I extend an open invitation to everyone who shares a similar passion for these areas or who just wants to connect. Let’s chat!